How to Apply for a Grant

Please note that our Grant Guidelines have been updated, effective January 2025. Refer to our newly differentiated Spring and Fall Grant Programs for more information.

Application Process

BEFORE YOU APPLY: Confirm Eligibility

Carefully review the grant policy to ensure your organization and application meet all criteria for either the Spring or Fall Grant Program.

First-time applicants or those with questions are strongly encouraged to contact the Foundation directly via phone or email for guidance.

STEP ONE: Submit a Concept Proposal

    • The Concept Proposal form is available by clicking on the button below

    • Provide a concise summary of the proposed project or program.

STEP TWO: Submit a Grant Application (by Invitation Only)

Proceed with the full grant application only after a staff member has contacted your organization to confirm that your concept proposal has been reviewed and approved for further consideration.

PROJECT NARRATIVE - The project narrative should include the following information:

  • Background Information - Why is this project important and why is your organization uniquely positioned to undertake it? This section should include a summary of your organization’s mission, history and accomplishments.

  • Statement of Need - What compelling community need will this project address?

  • Project Goals and Objectives - Identify both big picture goals and interim milestones that will be achieved.

  • Project Activities - What are the steps you will take to implement the project?

  • Project Timeline

  • Key Personnel - Who will carry out the work?

  • Sources of Funding - Please identify any other funds available for this project, including any matching funds.

  • Evaluation Plan - How will you evaluate the project’s impact and determine whether the project is meeting the needs that you identified?

  • Sustainability - How will the project be sustained after the grant?

SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS - The grant application requires the following

  1. Proof of IRS 501(c)(3) status

  2. Most recent IRS Form 990

  3. Current and prior year financial reports

  4. A list of current board members, including contact information

  5. Detailed project budget


  • March 1 for Spring Grants

  • September 1 for Fall Grants

Hampton Roads Community Foundation

Organizations may apply for grants from both ESVCF and the Hampton Roads Community Foundation. Applications to the latter are governed by its independent policies.

Contact Information

We are here to help! Grant applicants are encouraged to contact the Foundation Executive Director with any questions pertaining to the grant application process:

  • Email:

  • Phone: (757) 789-0910

Grant Evaluation Process

Grant Review Committee 

All grant proposals are first reviewed and evaluated by the Grant Review Committee of the Board of Directors. 

  • Foundation staff or committee members may reach out to request additional information or clarification regarding your application.

  • A facility or program site visit may be requested as part of the review process.

  • In some cases, members of the Grant Review Committee may request an interview to better understand the proposed project or program.

Board Review and Grant Decision

All eligible grant applications are presented to the full board for their consideration at the April and October board meetings. 

  • Board members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, recusing themselves from discussion and/or voting as required under the Foundation’s Code of Conduct. 

  • Please note that the Foundation receives requests exceeding our available grant funds each year. Unfortunately, this means that not all worthy projects will receive the funds requested.

Grant Evaluation Criteria

  • Need: Does the project address pressing, unmet needs in one of the specified focus areas?

  • Impact: Does the project benefit a meaningful number of people relative to its cost?

  • Innovation: Does it offer creative or novel solutions?

  • Sustainability: Is there a plan for ongoing impact beyond the grant period?

  • Organizational Capacity: Does the organization have a demonstrated track record of success in managing and executing prior initiatives?

  • Collaboration: Does it promote partnerships or resource-sharing?

  • Leverage: Will the grant fulfill/attract matching funds or additional support?

  • Evaluation: Are clear goals and methods for measuring impact included?

  • Financial Feasibility: Is the project budget realistic, feasible, and well-documented?

Grant Award and Follow-Up

Grant Decisions

The Executive Director will notify applicants of grant awards or denials as soon as possible following the Board Meeting. If your grant application is denied, the Foundation will provide feedback explaining the reasons for the decision.

Please keep in mind that the total annual grant applications often exceed the available funding. As a result, not all applications can be fully approved.

Grant Agreement

If your grant application is approved, the approved applicant must sign a Grant Agreement before the grant check can be processed. Grant checks are typically issued within 60 days of grant approval.

Any changes to the project details outlined in your grant application, such as the timeline, budget, or use of funds, must be approved in advance by the Foundation.

Final Grant Report

A Grant Report is due 12 months after the grant check has been issued, unless otherwise specified in the Grant Agreement. Completing this report satisfactorily is required for your organization to remain in good standing and be eligible for future grants.