
The Eastern Shore of Virginia Community Foundation is pleased to provide nonprofit organizations access to online resources as they work to strengthen our community. 

Starting A Nonprofit

Creating An Effective Board

  • BoardSource  Provides information about building effective nonprofit boards.

  • Compass Point   Provides a free online newsletter for nonprofit board members.

Strategic Planning and Management

  • Alliance for Nonprofit Management  This professional organization is devoted to improving the management and governance of nonprofits.

  • Free Management Library  Provides a variety of links to help nonprofits with strategic planning an management.

  • Internet Nonprofit Center  Publishes Nonprofit FAQ and links users to numerous sites dealing with strategic planning and management.

  • Independent Sector  Works to strengthen, empower and partner with nonprofit and philanthropic organizations on behalf of the public good.

  • Nonprofit Finance Fund  Provides capital and advice to help nonprofits strengthen their mission, improve their capacity to deliver services and strengthen their communities.

  • Nonprofit Risk Management Center  Provides webinars and timely topics for nonprofits.   

Technology Improvement

  • Charity Advantage  Helps nonprofits with website development, computer donations and computer purchase-assistance programs.

  • CommonCraft  Free, easy-to-understand and entertaining videos that show how to use all kinds of technology from software to social marketing tools.

  • Nonprofit Technology Network  Offers a free monthly newsletter focused on effectively using technology.


  • Grassroots Fundraising Inc.  Provides tips and tools for effective fundraising.

  • Community Foundation Locator  Provides links to community foundations serving specific geographic regions.

  • Association of Fundraising Professionals  Works to advance philanthropy and has a chapter in Hampton Roads.

  • Candid  Offers a searchable database of grantmaking organizations nationwide. The Eastern Shore Public Library in Parksley maintains a subscription for the use of local nonprofit organizations. Volunteer Hampton Roads or the Virginia Beach Public Library also can provide access onsite.

  • Grant Select  Offers a searchable database of grantmaking organizations nationwide. Free access must be gained by going through Virginia Beach and Chesapeake public library Websites.

  • Grantsmart  Facilitates communication between grantmakers and grantseekers by making available public 990 tax returns of private foundations and charitable trusts.

The resources shown here do not imply endorsement by the Eastern Shore of Virginia Community Foundation.



   Communications and Marketing

  • Nonprofit Marketing Guide  Offers helpful publications, webinars and blog focused on improving nonprofit communications and marketing efforts.

  • Nonprofit Communications Center  Online resource with a variety of information about nonprofit communications.

  • Spitfire Strategies Provides a free interactive chart to guide nonprofits through the communications planning process or to evaluate a campaign that is in progress.

  • Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab  Lists guidelines for website credibility as part of the lab’s ongoing research into websites.

  • The Communications Network  Helps foundations and nonprofits communicate more effectively by providing web-based seminars, links to publications and The Jargon Finder, an online tool that helps nonprofits avoid using abstract, meaningless words.

  • Sociable Media  Author Cliff Atkins, author of Beyond Bullet Points, is one of the best PowerPoint designers. His site has advice, examples and discussions to help anyone create powerful presentations. Resources include free webinars and temples from the Beyond Bullet Points book.

  •  Provides information on recent polls by CNN, NBC, CBS an other organizations that make help support a point an organization wants to make.

  • The SPIN Project  Features information and tutorials that help nonprofits improve communication by targeting audiences, developing relationships with reporters and linking them to other helpful websites.

  • Beth Kanter’s Blog  Focuses on nonprofit use of social marketing tools.

  • Chris Brogan’s Blog  Teaches new ways to put social marketing tools to work.

Publications and E-newsletters

     Related Links

  • The Council on Foundationsa non-profit membership association of grant-making foundations and corporations.

  • Community Foundations of Virginia a listing of all Community Foundations in Virginia with addresses and contact information.

  • GuideStar a searchable database that provides information on nonprofit organizations.

  • Fast Web!a searchable database on scholarship resources.

  • Community Foundations provides information about community foundations, which are the fastest growing segment of philanthropy.

  • SmartScholar - a scholarship research tool